Category Archives: Blog

WWROF announces improvements for contest web sites

The World Wide Radio Operators Foundation (“WWROF”), a non-profit donor-supported organization, is pleased to announce the completion of a major redesign project for the contest web sites that it maintains and operates on behalf of the contest community. These sites … Continue reading

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Thank You to FRC from WWROF

I am pleased to announce that the Frankford Radio Club (FRC) has made a *second*  donation of $1,000 to the World Wide Radio Operators Foundation (WWROF). In a unanimous decision by the FRC’s Board of Directors, this contribution supports WWROF’s mission … Continue reading

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WWROF Provides Grant for Log Checking Server

The WWROF has provided a $4,500 grant for the acquisition of a new server for use by the CQ family of contests.  The server is the critical infrastructure for hosting the CQ contest web sites, the log receiving robot, and … Continue reading

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Frankford Radio Club Makes Donation to Support WWROF

I am pleased to announce that the Frankford Radio Club has made a $1,000 donation to the World Wide Radio Operators Foundation. In a unanimous decision by the FRC’s Board  of Directors, this contribution supports WWROF’s mission to advance the … Continue reading

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WWROF Assumes Administration of Cabrillo Standard

I’m pleased to announce some fantastic news for contesters everywhere. In another example of WWROF’s continued mission to provide support and oversight for some of contesting’s most valued assets, the World Wide Radio Operators Foundation is pleased to announce that it … Continue reading

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WWROF to Ensure Continuation of Contest Webinars

A relatively new area of innovation in contesting has been the excellent Web-based seminar offerings (Webinars) that were the brainchild of Ken Claerbout, K4ZW, and the Potomac Valley Radio Club (PVRC). Beginning in 2009, PVRC launched what has become a … Continue reading

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The Latest from WWROF

To All Contesters Around the World: The World Wide Radio Operators Foundation has been very busy behind the scenes over the past few months supporting a number of important projects on behalf of our fellow competitors.  In summary, WWROF: Funded … Continue reading

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It was a very good year

Today I turn over the Chair of the WWROF to John Dorr, K1AR. I will remain involved with WWROF as a Director, but my responsibility as President of WRTC2014, Inc. will be my primary focus for the next few years. … Continue reading

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2010 IARU HF Championship and WRTC

The IARU HF Championship is now over, and with it, the 2010 WRTC. By all accounts the WRTC was a huge success, with the first-ever really “level playing field”. Congratulations to all the organizers, support staff, and of course the … Continue reading

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Friedrichshafen 2010

I have just returned from a trip that included a visit to the HAM RADIO convention at Friedrichshafen, Germany. This is the “Dayton of Europe”, and it was my first time there. It is held in a wonderful facility…the flea … Continue reading

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