N2NC New Director of CQ WW VHF Contest

(Cleveland, OH) – June 11, 2024 – The World Wide Radio Operators Foundation (WWROF) is pleased to announce that, effective immediately, John Golomb, N2NC, will be assuming the Director role for the CQ WW VHF Contest (cqww-vhf.com).

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WWROF Announces New Director, Philipp Springer, DK6SP; Long-Time Director, Dennis Motschenbacher, K7BV Steps Down

Fredricksburg, TX – August 21, 2020 – The World Wide Radio Operators Foundation, Inc. (WWROF) is pleased to announce the election of Philipp Springer, DK6SP, to its board of directors, effective immediately. WWROF Chairman Tim Duffy, K3LR, says, “We’re excited to welcome Philipp to our leadership team, in particular for his enthusiasm for radio sport and highly respected representation of the youth in our hobby.”

Philipp, who is 22 years old, began his ham radio career in early 2008 at the young age of ten, ultimately being issued the novice call sign, DO6PS. In 2013 he upgraded to a full operating license and was granted the call sign DK6SP, which he has held ever since. Philipp is a member of the IARU Region 1 Youth Working Group and the German amateur radio society DARC, where he is also responsible for leading activities for Youngsters-on-the-Air (YOTA) – Team Germany program. In addition, he is also a member of AGCW-DL, SKCC, CWOPS and the Bavarian Contest Club. Philipp proudly participated at WRTC 2018 in Germany as Team Y82D, together with youth team member HA8RT, achieving a respectable 23rd place finish amongst 63 teams staffed by the best contest operators in the world. Most recently, Philipp gained his bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with emphasis on logistics management and plans to progress as a master’s student.

In addition, WWROF is announcing the retirement of Dennis Motchenbacher, K7BV from its board of directors. “On behalf of the WWROF board, we want to thank Dennis for his invaluable contributions to our activities and unique industry insight,” said Tim Duffy, K3LR. Dennis continues to be a dedicated operator on the HF and VHF bands and looks forward to being even more active.


The World Wide Radio Operators Foundation is a non-profit, donor-supported organization dedicated to improving the skills of amateur radio operators around the world, utilizing education, competition, advancement of technology and scientific research, promoting international friendship and goodwill, and preparing them to better serve society in times of communications need. In addition, WWROF provides major assistance, including the infrastructure for log submissions, log checking, reporting, and other support services for many popular radio contests. For more information, log on to: https://wwrof.org/.

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Contest Q&A – Your Chance to Ask Anything

Presented by Randy Thompson, K5ZD, this webinar followed an unusual format. Usually we offer a presentation on a popular topic, presented by a notable speaker, then follow it with a question-and-answer period at the end. This time the format was Q&A from the very beginning. As a result of excellent Q&A sessions at Contest University, Randy, K5ZD fields questions from all comers in WWROF’s first ever strictly Q&A webinar.

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Fredricksburg, TX – November 14, 2019 – The World Wide Radio Operators Foundation, Inc. (WWROF) has issued a grant to the organizers of Youth on the Air (YOTA) in IARU region 2, to support a summer camp for licensed amateur radio operators ages 15 through 25. YOTA 2020 Camp will take place June 21 through June 26, 2020 at the National Voice of America Museum of Broadcasting in West Chester Township (North Cincinnati), Ohio, according to an announcement yesterday on Ham Nation.

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CQ WW SSB and CW – Current News on Your Favorite Contests

CQWW Director K1AR brings us up to date on the biggest annual global radiosport events on the calendar. Participant resources are examined along with log submittal, Log Check Reports, the Scores Database and awards. There are questions with answers at the end.

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CQ WW RTTY DX – Legacy Digital Contesting

We review the 32-year history of the CQ WW RTTY DX Contest and describe the few distinctive rule differences from the CQ WW CW/SSB DX Contests. The various participant resources are examined along with log submittal, Log Check Reports, the Scores Database and awards. Questions and discussion are fielded at the end.

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A Curmudgeon Goes to the Webinar

Okay, so I helped with my first WWROF webinar over the weekend, and it was all about the new WW-Digi contest coming to life at lightning speed. Webinar Master Emeritus Ken K4ZV ran his usual very smooth event where Ed W0YK, the chairman of the all-new WW-Digi contest, described the process of evolution for a contest that has gone from a sparkle-in-the-eye to first-inaugural-debut in a space of a little over 4 months.

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WWROF Receives Major Donation

Contribution Earmarked for Youth Contesting Initiatives

Fredericksburg, TX – August 8, 2019 – The World Wide Radio Operators Foundation, Inc. (“WWROF”) is pleased to announce that it has received a donation of $25,000 from Chick Allen, NW3Y. Chick’s contribution is to be used at the discretion of the WWROF board of directors to promote and enhance youth involvement in radio sport contesting. “On behalf of the WWROF I want to express our gratitude for Chick’s donation and am excited about what it will mean for the future of contesting,” says WWROF Chairman, Tim Duffy, K3LR. This significant contribution is especially meaningful as it is well-aligned with WWROF’s mission of improving the operating skills of amateurs around the world, including those that are new to ham radio. “It is truly an honor to work with WWROF by providing support for one of amateur radio’s greatest needs – encouraging youth to discover and enjoy radio sport in new and creative ways,” says Chick Allen, NW3Y.

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Extending the World Wide DX Contest into the Brave New World of Digital Communication

Presented by Ed Muns, W0YK, this webinar first reviews the impetus behind creating a fourth World Wide DX Contest. The key details of the World Wide Digi DX Contest are described, including frequently asked questions that have arisen.

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Reflecting on Dayton 2019 and the best Worldwide Radio Operator Foundation Board meeting ever. In 2009 a handful of old hams thought things could be better:

WWROF is dedicated to improving the skills of amateur radio operators around the world, utilizing education, competition, advancement of technology and scientific research, promoting international friendship and goodwill, and preparing them to better serve society in times of communication need.

We founded our organization to contribute solutions. Without drawing attention to itself as the focus, 10 years later WWROF continues to plug away at a lot of unglamorous stuff, silently making radio operating more complete for a lot of radio people. Because of our work: emergencies get managed, data gets served, radiosport exercises get hosted and their outcomes adjudicated, and radio operator accomplishments get acknowledge and recognized by peers, to name a few of the things that hum along silently, thanks to our supporters, and those activities we support in turn.

I hope these are things that are important to you. I hope you want to make a difference. Feel free to contact me N5OT@wwrof.org, or any member of the WWROF Board, to talk about ideas or questions you may have. I’ll talk about radio any time!

Mark Beckwith, N5OT
Board of Directors
Worldwide Radio Operators Foundation

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